Thursday, August 13, 2015

No Pain, No Gain...RIGHT?!

So yesterday I did a new workout, one that I have never done before. Then add to the fact that it was weight training based, which I never do, and you can only imagine the amount of soreness that I am feeling today. I absolutely fell in love with ChaLean Extreme but man it kicked my rear hard yesterday. I could have used this as an excuse to skip my workout and take a rest day but I didn't. Instead I did a Cize workout which focuses on dancing so it's more of a cardio/ lower body. Since I was feeling this soreness today it got me thinking about how many of you probably experience the same thing and either don't know why or you aren't sure how to get back to the sore free days. 
 What's important to know is that as a beginner you will almost definitely experience muscle soreness but even if you aren't a beginner when it comes to working out, if you are doing a different type of workout then you will probably experience it as well. For example, I typically do high intensity cardio based workouts so doing a workout that focuses on weight training means not only am I likely targeting different muscles, I am doing it with weight. If you don't want to be sore then your only option is to not workout....which isn't an option! At least not for most of us! Working out is GOOD for you and the muscle soreness does go away so don't let that detour you!

We all experience the "fire" in our muscles during the workout. That is just your muscles working and doing their job. It's a good thing and I've actually come to enjoy "the burn"! I KNOW I am getting a good workout in if I feel the burn. That feeling normally goes away within an hour or two after your workout. Doing your cool down will help this go away and make you feel great. So don't skip that cool down!

What I am experiencing today, the day after my new workout, is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). This is the soreness that gradually increases 24-48 hours after your workout. Now many people believe that they have hurt themselves because they are sore but in reality it just means you  have worked your muscles more than what they are accustom to. You end up having microscopic tears in your muscles but it TOTALLY NORMAL! This doesn't mean you have an excuse! 

Excuses don't burn those instead let's talk about some ways to relieve the soreness and maybe even prevent it. 

1. Make sure you ALWAYS complete your warm-up and cool down. That helps your muscles gradually work instead of a total shocker. "Hey, it's time for 12 tricep extensions with 10 pounds weights...sorry I didn't warm you up tricep" should not be saying that! LOL

2. Stay active! Keeping your muscles moving keeps the blood flowing and helps your muscles repair themselves. Go for a swim, a walk around the neighborhood, maybe even a light short jog.

3. Stretch it out....this helps break the pattern of soreness to muscle spasm to contraction and tightness. Stretching is not over-rated and is totally worth the 5-10 minutes.

4. My GO TO muscle soreness relief is soaking in an Epsom Salt bath. I fill my bath tub up with warm water and dissolve about 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it and then soak. I always get out feeling so much better. 

5. Ice, Ice baby! (Sorry I had to!) Seriously though, icing the muscles also helps. I am a wimp when it comes to cold so I typically don't ice unless I am in SERIOUS pain. I would rather sit in a nice warm bath LOL. My husband is an icing type though and it helps him. 

6. I can't tell you how many times I have used Aspercreame! I swear we really should have taken stock out in that stuff! It's not a long term relief obviously but I have been known to rub some on my shoulders or calves when I was working in an office. 

7. There are some really great after workout/recovery drinks on the market that many of my friends and I use. I personally LOVE the new Beachbody Performance Recover drink. It's a chocolate flavor and not chalky at all. You know me and my taste/texture issues! Definitely my go to recovery drink to ward of my soreness. (I did not have any to drink yesterday and I am totally blaming that for my soreness!)

8. I know a lot of people that use foam rollers but I can not give my personal opinion on them since I have never used one. What I hear from my fellow coaches is they are awesome though. 

9. Drinking Shakeology within an hour after working out seriously helps relieve so much! Your body needs amino acids, carbs, and proteins to help repair your muscles and if you get those within an hour after exercising that significantly decreases pain an soreness. Shakeology has all those things PLUS more. I worked out AFTER I had already had my daily Shakeology and I regret it now! I wish I would have worked out then drank my Shakeology with an added scoop of Beachbody Performance Recover added to it. I did not make that same mistake today though! 

Finally, number 10, don't skip your workout! If you are sore the next day then I totally understand but skipping your workout the next day is not the answer! I'm not saying you should be doing some HARD CORE workout the next day but you still need to actively engage your muscles and keep the blood flowing. Your muscles need the blood flow and oxygen in your blood to repair just as much as they need the nutrients from your diet. 

I'm not saying you won't be sore and I am definitely not saying the 10 items I listed above will prevent or cure your muscle soreness. What I am saying is it's totally normal to be sore and we have all been there (or are there). Just please don't use it as an excuse. Use the 10 items above to help you get through it and within a week or two of doing your new routine it will be the new normal for your muscles and you won't experience the soreness. 

If you want information on how to get started on your journey or want some extra motivation and support then please don't hesitate to contact me. My passion is helping others reach their own potential and I would love to help you. XoXo

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