What Is Shakeology?

I often get asked, “WHAT IS SHAKEOLOGY AND WHY SHOULD I SPEND MONEY ON IT?” I figured I should get to the point and explain what it is and why it’s THE BEST meal replacement shake EVER! Now please understand, I am pulling this information STRAIGHT from the source because they explain it WAY better than I EVER could!

Shakeology: The Best Ingredients On Planet Earth

Shakeology is made from some of the best stuff on Earth and today we’re going to dive in head first to let you know exactly What’s In Shakeology?

Shakeology contains more than 70+ natural ingredients from all over earth.
These delicious ingredients are derived from rich, nutrient-dense whole-food sources from around the world. And when we say “around the world” we mean it literally. We scoured the Andes, the Amazon, the Himalayas, Costa Rica, and even the land belonging to our friendly neighbors to the north—Canada—for the richest and most potent ingredients available. Most of this stuff you’ve never heard of, but the ingredients in Shakeology are life-changers. And here’s why…

Shakeology is packed with superfoods.
What’s a superfood, you ask? Superfood is the collective name given to the most nutrient-dense foods on our planet. They go beyond meeting basic nutritional needs; in addition, they have high concentrations of multiple nutrients, such as antioxidants, phytonutrients, or adaptogens that work together to support the immune system and help fight aging.*

Shakeology’s ingredients fall into these powerful nutrient groups:
  • Proteins and Amino Acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Phytonutrients
  • Adaptogen Herbs
  • Prebiotics and Probiotics
  • Digestive Enzymes

(Whey, Pea, Chia, Quinoa, Amaranth, Flax, Sacha Inchi; Vegan Protein blend also includes Pea and Rice Proteins [Rice Protein replaces Whey in vegan formulas])
These two very important elements help build and repair muscles, reduce hunger and food cravings, support optimal brain function, improve your mood, and promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. The bottom line is, your body NEEDS proteins and amino acids to thrive—and Shakeology has lots and lots of them!

ANTIOXIDANTS (Cacao, Coconut Flower Nectar, Acerola Cherry, Pomegranate, Camu-Camu, Bilberry, Goji Berry, Blueberry, Açai, Green Tea, Rose Hips, Cinnamon, Luo Han Guo)
Antioxidants are incredibly important in one’s diet because they neutralize molecules known as free radicals. These destructive little devils damage your body the same way oxygen in the air rusts exposed metal on a car. Unfortunately, free radicals are natural by-products that our cells produce, and if you don’t have enough antioxidants to absorb free radicals, they overwhelm your cells, oxidizing and destroying them.
Moral of the story: Load your body up with antioxidants and super-fruits (via Shakeology) to help keep you happy and healthy for a long, long time.

(Moringa, Spirulina, Chlorella, Spinach, Kale, Barley Grass, Kamut Grass, Oat Grass, Wheat Grass)
Phytonutrients are the active elements found in fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and teas. All the green superfoods in Shakeology contain phytonutrients that are known to promote a healthy immune system, healthy aging, and help to detoxify and alkalinize the body.

Alkalinize? What does that mean?
Think back to science class when you were a kid and did that litmus paper test. If something was too acidic it turned the paper red. RED = BAD. If it was too much of a base it turned the paper purple. PURPLE = BAD. But right in the middle is the neutral zone (which is where we want our bodies’ pH levels to be). To be in that happy zone we need to “alkalinize” our bodies. And the alkaline nature of phytonutrients (which are packed in Shakeology) helps promote alkalinity in your body.
Unfortunately, the American diet is comprised of waaaaaay too many acidic foods—things like soda, energy drinks, coffee, alcohol, pasta, and processed deli meat. And an acidic environment in the body may lead to disease. So if you’re a self-proclaimed veggie hater (like our CEO Carl Daikeler claims to be), DRINK SHAKEOLOGY and you won’t even know you’re drinking phytonutrients that help alkalinize your body. You’ll just be happy and healthy.

(Maca, Astragalus, Ashwagandha, Maitake Mushroom, Cordyceps, Reishi Mushroom, Schisandra, Ginkgo, Tulsi [Holy Basil])
If they sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, they kind of are. Adaptogens are special herbs that often grow in harsh climates and conditions, at high elevations and on mountaintops where the soil is rocky and oxygen is thin.
Because these plants have to adapt to very harsh conditions, they have highly concentrated nutrients that can help your body cope with stress, and help neutralize harmful free radicals. Plus, they fuel your body with energy while promoting a strong immune system.
Shakeology has a total of 9 adaptogens! So if you want superpowers, consume adaptogens.

(Yacon Root, Chicory Root, Lactobacillus Sporogenes [Bacillus Coagulans])
Prebiotics pretty much act as “food” that fuels the growth of probiotics (the good bacteria) that are naturally found in your intestines.
Probiotics are strains of good bacteria that assist your body in absorbing nutrients and minerals, bringing an overall balance to the digestive tract while helping support your immune system.
Forget what those cleaning product commercials tell you about bacteria being bad, because these kinds of bacteria are important for proper digestive health and a strong immune system.

(Amylase, Papain, Cellulase, Lactase, Lipase, Protease, Bromelain)
Digestive Enzymes help your body break food down into its individual components, making nutrients easier to absorb. Because cooking can destroy foods’ natural digestive enzymes, there’s a very good chance that you don’t get enough of these enzymes in an average diet.

Then we loaded Shakeology up with VITAMINS and MINERALS.
The truth is, most of us don’t get the complete range of vitamins and minerals in our daily diets. Some important vitamins, like vitamin C and the B vitamins, are water-soluble, which means they need to be replenished regularly. And other vitamins, like vitamin D, can be difficult to get enough of in food.

And there you have it, the magical ingredients inside of every Shakeology.
Now try explaining all that to your friends when they ask you why you drink Shakeology every single day! That knowledge really is a good party trick. Or, you could just say: it’s the Healthiest Meal of the Day® and I love the way it tastes—end of story.

[LEGAL:] ​
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Shakeology® is now clinically proven!*

For years our Shakeology customers have been saying that this Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition has drastically changed their lives. And while almost everyone who drinks Shakeology on a regular basis has lost weight, many have lowered their cholesterol, while others were able to reduce their blood sugar levels and speak to their doctor about getting off prescription medications. Plus, most every Shakeology customer we’ve heard from has commented on how this superfood shake has helped curb their cravings for junk food as well as helped improve their digestion.

We’ve heard time and time again from those who’ve submitted their Success Stories to the Beachbody Challenge® that it was Shakeology that made all the difference in their transformation. It didn’t matter how much they worked out, if their diet wasn’t right they couldn’t shed all the pounds they set out to lose. But once they started replacing meals with Shakeology, everything changed for the better.

Shakeology results were real.
To once and for all find out if what our customers were saying was based on anything more than their personal opinions, we conducted an independent clinical study that sought the answer to the one question everyone keeps asking: “How effective is Shakeology?”

Numbers don’t lie.
This study was administered by Medicus Research, a leading clinical research organization for natural health products. After a rigorous selection process, 50 individuals were chosen to participate in a 90-day clinical study and their results blew everyone away—including the clinic administering the trial.

Details on the study.
All 50 participants were required to drink Shakeology for breakfast and lunch for 90 days, without making any other diet or exercise modifications. Participation in the trial was monitored with a proprietary app that tracked their compliance every single day. This was a very valuable study because it isolated the effects of Shakeology, which is something that had never been done before!

Shedding pounds.
Turns out, when participants drank Shakeology for breakfast they had a significant reduction in the desire to eat lunch. Over the course of 90 days participants lost an average of 9.3 pounds, with the highest weight loss coming in at 24 pounds. WOW—losing that much weight in 90 days is quite impressive!

Another interesting fact about the results is that participants continued to lose weight throughout the entire study. This shows that the continuous use of Shakeology resulted in the healthy type of weight loss—slow and steady. And those are the kind of results that are sustainable for the long haul.

Cholesterol plummeted.
In addition to lowering the digits on the scale, another very important number that shrunk was participants’ cholesterol. The average total cholesterol reduction was 7% with the maximum reduction being 50%.

Lowered blood sugar. 
The study also monitored participants’ blood sugar levels. And rather than testing just a single day’s blood sugar (which can vary based on what you ate that day or even the day before) the study evaluated the average blood sugar for each day over the 3-month period (also known as HbA1c). Turns out, participants reduced their blood sugar (HbA1c) by an average of 5% while some reduced their numbers by up to 19%. And keeping your blood sugar levels steady is important in helping reduce the risk of diabetes.

Shakeology saves the day!
Thanks to this study, there’s now proof that Shakeology really works. And that all the testimonials shared by Shakeology drinkers over the years about how it changed their lives wasn’t just a random thing that only they experienced. This stuff works. And it works really well.

So the bottom line is: Shakeology is now clinically proven to help you:*
• Lose weight
• Lower cholesterol
• Reduce blood sugar levels (as measured by HbA1c)

And it tastes pretty darn good, too.
If you’re already a Shakeology drinker, you already know that. If you’re not yet, what are you waiting for? You gotta get your stash ASAP. You can even sample the flavors for $19.95 with our Taste Samplers. There’s one that includes 1 packet each of Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, and Greenberry. And a Vegan Taste Sampler that includes 2 packets each of Chocolate Vegan and Tropical Strawberry Vegan.

Remember, it’s called the Healthiest Meal of the Day® for a reason. And now we’ve got proof!

*Results vary. Results based on a twelve-week independent clinical trial sponsored by Beachbody, where fifty people consumed Shakeology as their breakfast and lunch with no other changes to their diet or exercise regimen. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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