Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hard Core for SURE!

Technically, today should have been a rest day according to the schedule since I have done the Fundamentals as well as Define: Lower & Upper Body. The schedule calls for every Friday to be rest day if you start on a Monday. I did Fundamentals & Define: Lower Body in the same day when the schedule has those on seperate days. Since I am a Beachbody Coach (and anyone who orders though a Beachbody Coach) I received a bonus workout of Hard Core On The Floor. I decided to give it a try today. It's DEFINITELY HARD CORE! I have to say though, so far it's my favorite workout! Yes, I know I am only a few days into the workout but Hard Core on the Floor is awesome! You seriously work every muscle!

I did establish I will have a hard time with a few of the exercises in this workout due to the placement of my tailbone. It sounds weird to say that but when I am on the floor and told to lean back partially my tailbone digs into the floor and is painful. I got through it today by sitting on a pillow which didn't hinder my workout but it's awkward when trying to switch to the next exercise. I may need to look for a mat with a little more cushion than normal. That's a personal preference and I am probably one of very few people that deal with that LOL.

I have also figured out that my children decided the same day I made the decision to start PiYo that they would no longer sleep in therefore ruining my early morning workout schedule. This is the 3rd day in a row that I have had to feed my kids lunch then make them go lay down in their rooms so I can get my workout done. It's worked fine though so it will likely become my new routine! It's not my favorite since I am a person who likes to get my workout done first thing but my routine has to adapt the the kid's routine so lunch time workouts it is LOL.

Tomorrow is a rest day on the schedule so I will be back at it on Saturday. I am sticking strictly to the PiYo workout schedule this time simply so I can prove that PiYo alone works. Plus, it's a bonus that my hubby is off work tomorrow thanks to a Family Day and we plan on getting some things done. We move into our permanent house in 11 DAYS! :)

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