Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Why am I a Beachbody Coach?

Why am I a Beachbody Coach?

I get asked this question a lot and sometimes it's in such a manner as to degrade what I do. That's okay though...they just don't understand. 

They don't understand the feeling I get when one of my challengers...

~ Is able to get off their prescription medication because they are able to control their issue with the new lifestyle they live.

~ Is able to quit smoking in 21 days AND lose weight at the same time.

~ Is able to not only fit into but also WEAR a pair of shorts that they have had laying around but too afraid to wear in public.

~ Is able to say they no longer fear a relapse with their eating disorder because they actually ENJOY their new eating habits and the easy to follow structured plan. 

~ Is able to get out and play with their children without feeling defeated and tired. 

These are just SOME of the non-scale victories that I hear from my challengers. Many of them start this journey looking to lose weight but instead find SO MUCH MORE! Guess what....I AM A PART OF THAT! That is WHY I am a Beachbody Coach. I don't care what anyone says....it's the most rewarding....at times difficult....but TOTALLY WORTH IT job! 

There are many who believe that coaches only do it for the money. Well guess what, some do. I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE! This has always been a difficult part for me to discuss because yes, I make money because I invest my time, love and support into each one of my clients but it's important to understand that MY family doesn't need my income. My husband provides a pretty great life for us and the money I make from this business is play money for me (like all those organization projects I like to do around the house....or the detox program that I ordered...or when I buy the new Beachbody workout programs). It's also a way to set my family up for the future...once my husband retires (whenever that may be LOL). So you see, that's not the driving force for me. 


That's my driving force. That is why I am a coach!

Coaching isn't for everyone. It's not an overnight success and it's no pyramid scheme. It takes someone who cares about others, wants to see others succeed and someone who is willing to learn as well as teach. I don't have a fitness degree, nor am I expected to. I have personal experience and a lot of it. I know what works for me and I have a whole network of other coaches that share their experiences. I don't put the programs together...Beachbody and the World's top trainers do that for us! I learn about each program, what it focuses on and most of the time I purchase the program to try it myself so I have the personal experience to share with each of you. An added bonus....I get to work from home, in my PJ's, in my bed with a towel on my head while drinking Shakeology®! I bet you don't get to go to work like that!

Listen, I said it before, this coaching thing isn't for everyone. I totally get that! BUT if it does sound like something you are interested in then please message me or fill out the form below and I can add you to my next 3 Day All-Access Pass Into Beachbody Coaching group. I run them monthly and it's totally laid back. You can ask questions and I give you the run down of what I do as a coach plus I will talk about some of the misconceptions behind this opportunity. No pressure...just a fun FREE look into coaching. I hope to "see" you there! 
Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.

Monday, February 15, 2016

All-Access Pass into Coaching and Being a Momprenuer

Build a life you don't need a vacation from....

If you would have asked me a few years ago how to do that I wouldn't have been able to give you an answer. I would have said that it isn't possible. I wasn't ready to see the opportunity staring me in the face. Once I finally took the leap, I saw the possibility of creating a life by design. Creating a life that I don't need a vacation from!

How many of you live to work? Shouldn't you be working so you can live? Beachbody gives me a life. It provides an extra income in our house and gives me an outlet to help others....a true passion of mine. 

Being a coach has allowed me to be present for every important event for my kids, allowed me to dedicate time to being a key spouse for my husband's unit and I don't have to worry about how many sick days I have or how much leave I have built up. I don't have to stress about being able to afford to take time to visit my family back home this Summer. Instead, I get to attend the HUGE Beachbody Summit this Summer and then I get to spend a couple of weeks hanging out with family on the BEACH!

These are just a few of the reasons I believe it's a MUST that I pay it forward and share this opportunity that has changed not only my life but my family's life....and many other coaches lives! This is an opportunity to learn what I do....including misconceptions and fears that even I had before I took my LEAP OF FAITH just over 2 hours ago. 

I want to invite YOU and any/all of your friends who may be interested to join me for a FREE 3 Day ALL-ACCESS Pas into what coaching is all about from one mompreneur to another. You will have the chance to ask ANY and ALL questions you may have. This is a laid back, pressure free, PRIVATE Facebook group. 

If you are interested, please simply comment below with "Interested" OR send me an email and I will add you to the group. It starts on Wednesday, Feb 17. Look forward to 'seeing' you there!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

It's Time To Love Your Body!

February is a month about love but I think February 2016 should be a month about loving your body! 

After having my second daughter I was so down on myself. Due to complications I was put on bed rest for two-thirds of the pregnancy. That meant sitting down, laying down, no activity and no picking up my oldest daughter for most of my pregnancy. I seriously ATE my feelings that whole time! At the time I gave birth, I had gained almost 70 pounds! It was the heaviest I had ever been in my life. When I walked out of the hospital after my daughter was born, I was still carrying 60 of those pounds. I did not love my body and it hit me hard. If it wasn't for Focus T25, Shakeology and my Beachbody support I wouldn't have found my love for my body again. I started T25 in January 2014 and by August 2014 I was down to my pre (BOTH) pregnancies weight! I was able to do this while not only caring for a newborn and toddler while my husband was in a six week schooling but also while preparing my house for our move overseas, over a month of traveling AND two months of settling in to our new home overseas. You can do this too! 

Every person has a different meaning to what loving their body means. For me it was getting back to the body I had before kids but whatever that is for you, I want to help you get there! 

I know what it feels like when you don't love your body and it's time you know what it feels like to LOVE your body!

I have three spots left in this group and the next three ladies that join the challenge will be entered into a drawing for a set of 21 Day Fix Containers, a Shakeology Shaker Cup and the Fixate Cookbook. 

That means you have a 1 in 3 chance of winning this awesome package of goodies.
If you want the chance to love your body and win a great prize then please fill out the application below or email me to claim your spot. 
Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Greek Chicken Pita

I could seriously eat this each and every day for lunch! I promise you won't be disappointed!

1 Whole Wheat Pocket Pita
3 oz Cooked Chicken Breast
1/4 Medium Tomato, chopped
1/4 Cup Chopped Cucumber
1 Tablespoon Chopped Red Onion
1/4 Teaspoon Dried Oregano
1 Tablespoon Fresh Lemon Juice
1/4 Cup Shredded Romaine Lettuce
2 Tablespoon Crumbled Feta Cheese

1. Fill the pita halves evenly with chicken, tomato, cucumber, onion, romaine and cheese.
2. EAT UP!

~ I like to make a batch of baked chicken on Sundays and shred it up then store it in the fridge. It makes the pitas a lot quicker to make. 
~ I also like to cut up a cucumber and tomato along with a red onion and then store it in a Tupperware container for the week. Again, the pita making process is really quick when you prep this way. (Don't add any juices to this mixture when you store it...it will make the cucumber soggy!)

Your 21 Day Fix Container Count: 1 Green, 1 1/2 Yellow, 1/2 Red & 1/2 Blue

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Banana-Apple Muffins

My oldest daughter is out of school this week for Carnival break but my youngest daughter still goes to daycare a couple of days. Since we get a couple of days just the two of us I figured her and I could bake together. She absolutely loves helping me stir and mix everything together and then scooping it into the pan so who am I to deny the help?!

 (Isn't she just the cutest thing helping her mommy out?!)

Problem is that I did not want to make something unhealthy. It's rainy and cold here in Europe so I we are cooped up in the house all week. So I started the search and ended up at Autumn Calabrese's page. I absolutely love her and her workout programs plus I know her recipes are always pretty good so when I found this one I decided it was a must try and we already had everything on hand so even better. 
Here's the super simple recipe:

1 1/2 Cup Almond Flour
1/8 Teaspoon Salt
3/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1 Tablespoon Melted Butter, cooled
2 Large Eggs
1 Cup Mashed Bananas (about 2)
1/2 Cup Chopped Apple (chopped into small pieces, it was 1 apple for me) 

***I used honey crisp apples because that is my family's favorite***

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Combine the almond flour, salt and baking soda into a medium sized mixing bowl.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the butter and eggs.
4. Stir the egg mixture into the dry ingredients.
5. Stir in the bananas and fold in the apple.
6. Spoon batter into muffin cups. (Mine made 9)
7. Bake for 30-40 minutes. Watch for them to start browning. I baked mine for 30 minutes and they came out great but it depends on your oven.

My 3 year old was so excited to not only help but eat one as well!

You can also make a cream cheese frosting for them. I did not but here is Autumn's recipe for the frosting:

4 oz Original Cream Cheese
1/8 Cup of Confectioners Powdered Sugar

Blend it all together and frost the muffins once they have cooled.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Honey Sriracha Hummus

Okay, I know I am not the only one that dislikes buying hummus at the grocery store! I've honestly done it simply for the convenience and because I never found a recipe that seemed to hit the spot for my husband and I. I don't typically eat hummus unless it's with  my chicken so I like it to have a little spice to it. That's why this recipe is awesome! If you don't like a lot of spice then I suggest cutting down the amount of Sriracha because this recipe definitely has a KICK to it but it's a winner in my book! Plus....I know what's in it and I know that it's natural ingredients. 

(You like my little Sriracha heart? I did that just for Valentine's Day LOL)

* 2 (14.5 ounce) Cans Garbanzo Beans, drained & rinsed
* 1/4 Cup Sriracha (less if you want less spicy)
* 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
* 2 Tablespoons Honey
* 1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
*1/2 Teaspoon Sea Salt
* 3 Tablespoons Cold Water

1. In a blender, add the garbanzo beans and puree until pretty smooth.
2. Add the Sriracha, olive oil and honey. Blend until smooth. Scrape down the sides.
3. Add the garlic powder and salt. Blend again. Taste and season with salt to your liking.
4. With the blender running on low, add the cold water slowly through the lid. Once all the water is in, let puree until creamy. You may need to scrape down the sides. 

I can't wait to put this on top of some chicken for Hummus Crusted Chicken this week!